Stephen Dansiger

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Punk drummer then Songwriter then Dharma Practitioner then Social Justice Educator then EMDR/Trauma/Addiction Therapist then Author/Podcaster now simultaneously...

Dr. Stephen Dansiger



"Focused and with clarity, Stephen Dansiger makes the case for how mindfulness practice can provide us with sharpened insight and the tools to help us see our anger as the complex emotion that it is. Instead of being defined by anger and thrown into consequential actions, or fruitlessly trying to repress it, we can learn to manage anger in healthy ways. We develop the ability to respond to anger instead of reacting to it. This is a very good and helpful book."
Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Happiness

‘Is your mind on fire all of the time? Are you burning down all your relationships with anger? This book will help you get that fire contained through mindfulness. At the very least, you’ll learn how, when and where to spark up your brain appropriately.’
-Marc Maron, Comic, Actor, Writer and Host of the WTF Podcast


For over 25 years, I have been facilitating groups, coaching individuals and providing therapy for issues related to anger management. It started with my sobriety and personal mindfulness practice leading me to investigate my own anger. That was followed by becoming a high school English teacher, a conflict resolution specialist, a school administrator, and then for many years a trainer on issues related to anger, conflict and diversity. When I entered the treatment world as a professional is 2002, I started by running anger management groups. With all that behind me, I have finally sat down and written a book that describes the mindfulness based anger management approach I have been teaching, facilitating and living all these years.

Mindfulness for Anger Management will be coming out on Althea Press in November 2018. It is a workbook that you can use on your own or work on together with a partner or group. It can be helpful to those of you who are looking at their anger management to improve your health or quality of life, or looking at it because it has become a critical issue in your life. Mindfulness practice shows us that besides anger being one of the three poisons, it is also a powerful energy that when harnessed properly can help us to live strong, happy, compassionate lives while maintaining healthy boundaries. It honors the role of trauma in creating anger, and it honors the continuum of anger, acknowledging that we are not only talking about rage. And it honors that we are not always talking about acting out on anger, often we are looking at the “acting in” of it. My hope is that this workbook can provide guidance that will manifest as self-guidance toward a life of loving kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity.


Dr. Steve Dansiger hits a home run with his winning combination of candor, humor, and years of experience in his latest offering, Mindfulness for Anger Management. I am especially impressed by Steve's commitment to delivering the content in both a trauma-informed and trauma-focused manner. This book is for everyone seeking to work with this vital and often misunderstood emotion. Highly readable and infused with practical approaches to mindfulness, this book does not disappoint!"
- Jamie Marich, Ph.D., LPCC-S, REAT, RYT-200, Co-Author of EMDR Therapy & Mindfulness for Trauma Focused Care (with Dr. Stephen Dansiger); Author of EMDR Made Simple, Trauma and the Twelve Steps, Trauma Made Simple, and Dancing Mindfulness.

Anger, like addiction, is often misunderstood and stigmatized. Anger can cause a lot of damage, but it's an important emotion that all humans experience. Dr. Dansiger is a master at explaining why anger should not be ignored and how we can use mindfulness skills and other tools to channel anger into healthy, self-affirming action.
- Anna David, New York Times bestselling author of Party Girl, Falling for Me, Bought and others.